Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Welcome May

April has come and gone. Why is it time just seems to fly by? Probably because we're all so busy shuffling between work, church, school, extracurricular activities for our children and more. If only we could put a halt on time, soak up those special moments with our loved ones and truly enjoy those moments instead of worrying how we're going to check another item off our list. But, then I can't imagine not having all these tasks & activities going on. JOY! We grow so much through these experiences.

Our girls have become great little social butterflies. They look forward to dance & softball practices/games. They love more than anything our time spent at church and even keep myself & Kevin tuned in to what is important - our faith - constantly growing and learning. So, instead of feeling burdened we relish in what we can do and how we, as a family, can grow through these experiences & opportunities. JOY! I hope all of you can enjoy each moment as we have. We all are so very blessed. Be a witness to others and remind those with busy schedules to soak in each moment.

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8:10

Love that verse.

May is one of my favorite months. Spring has brought forth the greening of the Earth and the sights and sounds of new life are abundant in nature. New life...I am now down to the last month of my pregnancy. Baby Crawford is doing great and growing, growing, growing. Contractions come and go. Some stronger than others. Only a couple of times have I actually timed them. I just seem to get them off and on throughout the day now. By the day's end I am tired and fatigued. Bags are almost completely packed just a couple of items I still need to add. Pre-registered at the hospital yesterday so we're sitting on go.

My co-workers have been putting in guesses to when the baby will arrive and whether it will be a boy or girl. What are your guesses? Here are a few stats to help you make a guess.

35 weeks along (Morgan came at 35 weeks and Madison at 37)
Belly - round as a basketball or maybe I should say 2 basketballs :-)
Carrying low but hey I'm short so everything is low. LOL
Baby's heartrate: 135/140 bpm

Here are a few photos of Madison & Morgan. One at Easter, Madison as Amelia Earhart for school research project and Morgan at softball practice.