Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Welcome Third Trimester

I am now in my third trimester with number 3. This pregnancy has flown by. Whew! Can't wait to meet the new little Crawford soon. So many have asked for an update and I'll do my best.

Boy or Girl??? We still don't know the gender. We chose to wait until baby makes his/her arrival. But, if a mommy's instinct is anything to go by I feel this may be a boy. Why? Here are few fun things and most are old wives' tales. The heart rate is much lower 145/150 - both of our girls had high heart rates 166/170. I carry this baby low and out front in the belly for sure. No morning sickness in the beginning. Craved meat like crazy in the first and most of the second trimesters. And this baby is SO active, never still - takes after Daddy for sure. Kicks, punches & squirms like I've never felt. I'm waiting for baby to just kick right out. :-) Plus, I've just felt so different this time around. Though I was given the best answer to that remark at one of my prenatal visits. Doc said, "Kelly, you're much older this go around. Things will be different." I couldn't believe it, I knew at that point what it felt like to be thought of as your actual age. :-) Afterall, I still had it in my mind pregnancy cannot possibly be any different than in my 20's. But, it has been. I can't fully explain it but ladies be ready if you have babies in your 20's and then wait to have more in your mid-30's.

As for names, nothing definitive but here is where we're at now.
Girl: Makenna Leigh
Boy: Kohen Lee
Lee is a family name on Kevin's side and also his middle name. The name Lee is rich in ancestry and history within this family so no matter the gender this baby is stuck with Lee. And we couldn't be more happy to use it.

Madison and Morgan are so excited for their new sibling to arrive. They are such sweet and nurturing little girls I know they'll be great big sisters. They want a baby brother but we've said many times how great a little sister would be too. They did agree especially when I said how they could dress her up with ribbons and bows. :-)

Overall, we couldn't be more happy than this expansion of our family. We are so blessed and realize we shouldn't take any pregnancy for granted. Please keep us in your prayers in the upcoming months. I'm known to deliver early but praying I make it to 37 weeks.